The 2016 NAMIC CCP visit to Washington D.C. was another success. 16 people representing 11 different MAFMIC companies attended and participated in this important outreach with federal elected officials. Attendees met with NAMIC staff to learn about the current issues facing our industry in congress, and then spent the following day on capitol hill meeting with Senators and Congressmen. On our visit, we met with Congressman Peterson, Congressman Emmer, Congressman Paulsen, Congressman Nolan as well as staff for Senators Klobuchar and Franken and Congressmen Kline, Walz, and McCollum.
We lobbied the members of Congress and their staffs to push back against any international regulation that could creep into the system as a result of Dodd-Frank. We let them know that the best way to regulate insurance companies is as the state level and we maintain our unwavering support of that system. We also discussed the importance of pre-disaster mitigation as opposed to post-disaster mitigation and the savings to the taxpayer as well as insurance companies when this is done. Lastly, we talked about the emerging issues of drones and about legislation that would allow insurance companies to use drones to inspect property and adjust losses as well as our ability to insure them. MAFMIC members impacted by the passage of the Small Mutual Inflation Update were also able to thank Senator Klobuchar and Congressmen Kline, Peterson, and Paulsen for their hard work on this issue.
The Congressional Contact Program is a great way to keep elected officials aware of what we do. Congressman Nolan said it well during this visit, “If you don’t show up, we either don’t know you exist or we don’t think you care.” Our participation lets them know we exist and that we care. If you are interested in future trips, please contact the MAFMIC office.
View photos from the 2016 CCP. Click on the image to see a larger version.