[email protected] | 320.271.0909

2016 Convention

121st Annual Convention

February x-x, 2016 | Bloomington, MN


Registration Early Bird (before Jan 2nd) After Jan 2nd
Delegate $325 $350
Spouse/Guest $325 $350
Non-Member $525 $550
One Day Only Call MAFMIC Office

Register Now


In accordance with Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, we invite all registrants to advise us of any disability and any requests for accommodation to that disability. Please submit your request as far in advance of the program as possible.

Dress Code

Business casual apparel is the dress for the entire convention except for the banquet, which will be business dress.

Continuing Education Credits

Application has been made for 1.5 continuing education credits with the Minnesota Department of Commerce.

Cancellation Policy

  • Cancellation notices received on or before January 16th are 75 percent refundable.
  • Cancellation notices received on or before January 23rd are 50 percent refundable.
  • No refunds are available after January 29th. You may substitute a participant at no additional charge.
  • All registration cancellations and transfers must be made in writing and sent to [email protected] or faxed to (320) 271-0912.